Saturday, August 2, 2008


hates learning things the hard way......
hates doing things the wrong way.....
gets frustrated at life too fast.

Saturday, July 26, 2008


I guess life is going good. Slow but good. Just been back from vacation for about 2 weeks now. It was a nice time being off from work and the same ole' same ole' life for 3 weeks. Honduras was great the weather was perfect!! No humidity! The people we spent time with were very nice. There was Abby, Brenda and Lucio...very nice...and fun!!! C= There was one night after church on the way home when there were 4 of us riding with Lucio and he says, "I'm kinda in the mood for a Wendy's frosty! What about you guys?" and so we said, "Yum!" and on to Wendy's we went, with out the rest of our group. It was really funny.
While we were there we got to witness to a lot of people. It was a bit odd though b/c when you witness to them you present the gospel and you stumble through it b/c they are so willing to listen. It feels like you forget things and wait, is presenting the gospel to these people really this simple?
A lot of the people want you to pray so they can repeat after you b/c they don't know what to say when they pray. -making things awkward b/c you ask yourself, did they really get saved? But we pray that each one of them were sincere in the repeating of the if to say we pray that what they said they truly believed in their hearts.
Another adventure to our trip was getting to paint a church which was started about 5 years ago after a different group from our church went down there on a mission trip. I must mention that the majority of the church consists of children, the rest a few mothers and maybe a father. Prayerfully this generation will be strong Christians for the Lord and have a great desire to do the work of God. They need that there!
One other thing about the trip, -the great joy of spending time with other Christians. Not just other Christians but friends, brothers and sisters in Christ. It is always a blessing to spend time with friends but spending time doing what God desires, with friends...oh what a blast!!!

So much to say but so little time...

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Praise ye the Lord the Almighty the God of creation...

Did everyone notice how BeAuTiFuL it is outside today?!!!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

~The Beach~

Monday, April 7, 2008


Friday, April 4, 2008


This summer I have the opportunity to take the Gospel to Honduras with a group of teens from my church. We are so excited! Our trip is only 3 months away. The exact dates are June 21-28.

Honduras is a very poor country in Central America.

You might ask, “What will you be doing in Honduras?” Let me answer that.

1. Many people in Honduras don’t have electricity. We will be going hut to hut in the mountains with a solar powered radio that’s programmed to one station: a good Christian station. We will give a radio to each family, but we will also explain and share the Gospel as THE most important Gift…which is salvation only through Jesus Christ. Since it is hard to reach people in this remote area, the Bible teaching and Gospel songs on the radio will be very important to help them grow in the Lord.

2. Most mornings we will help in several feeding kitchens (some birthed by our own church in prior trips) by preparing and serving meals to hundreds of children that would otherwise go hungry.

3. Another exciting endeavor is visiting and helping in the orphanages.

The trip to Honduras will cost $1400; this includes my airfare, food, transportation, translators and lodging. We have done several fund raisers and have been working hard to earn this money. We do not want this money just given to us by our parents or provided for us by our church. I was hoping you would like to have a part in sending me to share the gospel with the people in Honduras. You can be a blessing to these people right from where you are! Besides that, it would be a great blessing to me. Any donations you might give are tax deductible when made payable to Bible Baptist Church of Deland. *Please put my name in the memo line.

Please do not feel obligated to give anything. But know that whatever you might give will be used to the glory of God and to the saving of souls.

Please pray about what God can do in the lives of each of us. The desire of my heart is for people to get saved, hearts to be changed, and God to personally change my life to honor and glory the Lord.

Thank You!

Love in Christ,


Monday, March 31, 2008

=D What's on yOuR mind?

The reason I guess, that I have not been writing in here is: I have a wonderful boyfriend now, whom I love spending time with. And, I just don't have time to say all that I want to say. I have been enjoying my work at Chickfila...and today we got a new caramel....we went there today and tried it. It was very yummy!! =) And today, I got a hair cut, it is just above my shoulders now. =) I think it looks cute, but, most of all my boyfriend LoVeS it =). And that is what matters!!! It matters not what anyone else thinks. I will have to post a pic phone is not sending the pix to my computer.

Monday, March 24, 2008

hehe =) <3

Well, I havn't written in here for a few days...I've been so busy I guess. Doing ministries and not getting much sleep ...and spending time with my best friend C= who by the way is perfect.

Anyway, I had the most perfect weekend this weekend....It was wonderful. Easter was wonderful getting to spend time with my family and my best friend.

Work is going well...

I am looking forward to our missions trip...every activity and every time I work to earn money for this trip it gets me looking forward to it more and more. I hope that we can see many souls saved, and I pray that our lives are changed for the glory of God...

What else is there to say...ah, my mom is back home for almost a week now, It is great to have her home. I missed her more that a lot. She is a wonderful mom and a great friend. I love her LOTS. =D

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Another day in my life...

I love my friends! C=
I'm not writing much b/c I have to get up at like 4:45 tomorrow! I'm so tired right now! I hope I hear my alarm clock tomorrow! LOL That would be so bad if I didn't.
Anyway, Tomorrow I have to work from 6:30-2:00 so come see me if you want. C= lol

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Being Me

My prayer is:
My prayer is that God will use me in a way He seems fit to bring honor and glory to His name...
My prayer is that I would be an encouragement to those I love and those who are just strangers to me...
My prayer is that I would only do what God wants me to do...
My prayer is that my friends would be blessed beyond measure...
My prayer is that all men would hear the gospel...
My prayer is that when people see me they don't just see me but they see Christ who lives in me...
My prayer is ...

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Dear Diary

  • I have been sick for going on 2 1/2 weeks now. [gr] This is one imperfection in my life.

As far as my life being is.
  • I have a wonderful Saviour, who saved my soul from hell. And, who loves me much more than anyone ever could.
  • I have a wonderful family.
  • I have wonderful Christian friends who challenge me to be a better Christian. C=
  • I have a wonderful place to live, wonderful clothes to wear, and wonderful pets to enjoy.
  • I have a body that works, I am not blind, dumb, or lame.
  • I have a wonderful place to go to church, and a wonderful pastor to learn the word of God from.
  • And, well I don't even have to say it but, I will. I have a wonderful special friend, who encourages me constantly.
There is so much more I could say, but isn't there always? hehe

Monday, March 17, 2008

Day off

As much as I really like my job...I am so glad I have the day off tomorrow!! But, I have so much to do!! Clean clean clean.....lots. Then I have to pick my mom up from the airport...yippee!!!! I am so excited about her coming home and me getting to see her!!!!! =) Yay!


My life is getting busier as the days go by...

I don't want just a mediocre life!!!!!!! I want to make a difference, I want to serve the Lord with all I have, I want to be a better Christian!

Today was a difficult day...I won't focus on that though...

On a different more happier note...something blessed my heart today, I went on break and someone that I work with was on break already so I said, "Can I sit with you?" He said, "Sure" So down I sat... We started talking, he asked me what I wanted to do with my life, I said, "Well I don't really know yet". "I am not really sure what the Lord wants for my life right now...all I know for sure is that in the bible it says that God wants me to be a witness for Him and that is what I want to do, and to the best of my ability". So I then proceeded to tell him that I was attending bible school at my church. He was so excited. He asked me what I was going for I said to learn the bible. Then he asked what denomination I was, I then said "I am baptist, but really I am a born again Christian, that is what is more important". I asked him what he was, he said, "I am thinking that Christian is the best" (I was a little surprised, he is from Japan and it seems like when people come from other countries they are confused because of the religion they were raised to believe in). So I said, "I don't mean to be overly straight forward but, what do you believe about life after death? And, where do you believe you are going?" He said, "I believe I am going to heaven. And, it's not about what you do that gets you there it's about trusting and accepting Christ" Praise the Lord!! This was sweet music to my ears! I said, "Great!!! This is so exciting!!" I said, "It is absolutely not about the good that we do it is about accepting Christ as our Saviour!" He went on to tell me about how his parents are now missionaries to Japan. How cool is that!?! Well, I got to invite him to church also, and he said that he has had many offers from people to visit churches...but, he said he might come sometime...and he was excited about our talk. Praise God, we were both encouraged.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Not much

Well I can't write too much tonight b/c I am beat!!!! And I have to get up at 5 am tomorrow!!! =/ Anyway Today was a wonderful day! And I like someone who is absolutely wonderful and yeah, so things are...well, C= And my mom is coming home in 2 days!!!!!!!!! C= I absolutely can't wait!!!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Isaiah 55:1-11

Isaiah 55 verse 6 through 11
Seek ye the Lord while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near:
Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.
For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.
For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.
For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it ring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater:
So shall my word be that goeth forthout of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.

These verses were a blessing to me in church last night...The Lord will have MERCY if you will but TURN to HIM!! He will ABUNDANTLY pardon!! He has MORE mercy than you even NEED! GOD says I will not let My word return unto Me void! PRAISE GOD! Even though we may witness and not see any results God says, My word will not return unto me void!!!! We don't need the credit for leading people to the Lord, all we need to do is witness, spread the gospel...God will do the rest. C=

Thursday, March 13, 2008


Tonight I am glorying in that there is a special person in my life right now...I have more to say but, I will have to write more later. C=

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Which one???

Tommy Hilfiger...Plaid [love this one]


Tommy Hilfiger plain

Which one do you like?

Smiles C=

Did you know smiles are contagious? Try at someone and see if 99% of the time they don't just smile right back atcha. Pass on the smile!! C=

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

A Friend

I was thinking about the word friend and decided to look it up in the dictionary, at Here is what I found:
Word History: A friend is a lover, literally. The relationship between Latin amīcus "friend" and amō "I love" is clear, as is the relationship between Greek philos "friend" and phileō "I love." In English, though, we have to go back a millennium before we see the verb related to friend. At that time, frēond, the Old English word for "friend," was simply the present participle of the verb frēon, "to love."

It is interesting that the word friend is so closely related to the word love.

My guy

10 Things about the guy I want to be with:

  • He must be a Christian
  • Love God and want God's will for his life and for mine
  • Desire to serve God
  • Thankful
  • Cute
  • Sweet
  • Treat me like he would want to be treated [This is to say he wants to be treated very well. ;)]
  • Love me for who I am and not want to change me
    • If my heart is right with God, I will be changing anyway to be more Christ-like everyday.
  • Mature [ok ok, is there any guy that is mature?? He must at least know when to be mature.]
  • At least like animals [since I love them]
    • This leads me to say, he must love Smith & Wesson!
      • But who doesn't?
These are just ten things. After all I must be picky if I have to spend the rest of my life with someone. It might as well be someone I can say, "I get to spend the rest of my life with and so"...
(I figured I could write up a "list" of something too! Instead of always telling about my day.)

Monday, March 10, 2008

A wise friend...

A wise friend said to me when saying goodnight..."Don't count sheep when you can count your blessings"...This is so true!! Well today did not amount to much, tonight was grand though!! The one good thing about today was, I got all, almost all, my laundry done!! yippee, I love the smell, look and feel of clean clothes!! My mom will be coming home a week from tomorrow! Yippee! I can't wait!!! Pray for her safety!! With all said, goodnight to all!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

A day in the house of the Lord

Another great day!! Praise the Lord! Well today I studied a lot b/c I had two tests..but otherwise it was a good day!! Got to spend it with my favorite person!! =) =) =) =) I am glad however that night is here and to sleep I can =) So, goodnight to all =)


Can you say wonderful?? Well I can, and Saturday was a great day!!! I was so busy, I didn't even get to write in all well...=)

Friday, March 7, 2008

Work then Play...

Well today was a majorly busy day... I worked at chicfila from 11-3 and then straight from there I had to go babysit from 4:30 to almost 10. All went well though...cept for getting in trouble for making a kids ice cream cup to large...tsk tsk tsk. all well, they can just get over it. Anway, got to see and study with my favorite person for a few hours...and that made my day complete. =D So with all that said...It is late and I must go. Also! Big wonderfulness....I got to talk to my mom!!! =) =) =) =) yay

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Vitamin Water

Tastes good and helps you get better!! Hurray for vitamin water!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Yep, today was the first day of actually went well. The rest of my day....well I'd rather not talk about it. Goodnight. But, Praise God for helping me today, I was extremely nervous!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


I miss my mom!! =/

Monday, March 3, 2008

First day...

Today =)
Well my first day at work was ok...I was sick for it so I missed like half of the stuff I should have got! But I got my uniforms and they fit me perfectly...which I was a bit worried about b/c I guessed on the sizes. But anyway, Yeah so I am sick. =(
Tonight...C= Was great =) Went to bible school and saw my friends =)
=)I like Daniel =)

Sunday, March 2, 2008


Today was wonderful....C=
Except when I got sick. =/
But =) I like Daniel.

Saturday, March 1, 2008


Can anyone spell STRESSED?!

Friday, February 29, 2008

God blesses! C= [once again]

Awesome God, great friends=great life!! C=
Well today was such a blessing, I got a job!! Finally!! Thanks to great friends who spoke highly of me and put in the effort to get me the job!! Thank you Thank you Thank you!! Besides all that today is a beautiful day!! And my friends are such an encouragement and blessing to me!! YAY for good days!! I hope your day is going as good as mine!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

C= =D

What to say...
Well I had a wonderful day!! Went for a walk with Lauren...cleaned the house up....cleaned the church...and then made dinner and went to church!! C= I like Daniel!! C= Tonight was fun we looked at all the places people thought in the book of Job...God's thoughts are always right, our thoughts if they are not lined up according to the bible, are wrong. We must bring every thought into captivity! Our thoughts will eventually come out of our mouth in speaking....we need to make sure they are good thoughts according to God!! Lord, help us to be thinking on You and Your word all the time!!!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Just Smile

Just Smile

When things go wrong; just smile
When the unexpected happens; just smile
When life stinks and you feel like giving up; just smile
When theres no reason to; just smile
When disappointments come; just smile
When life throws you around and kicks you down; just smile
When failure launches hard against you; just smile
When you feel like crying because everything turns out like crap-cry it all out...but then---> just smile
When everything changes around you and theres nothing you can do about it; just smile
When your about to go insane, oh, and this will happen; just smile
I know it's going to be hard but friend, ---> just smile!!

Going through a rough time I wrote this. Sometimes even when things go so wrong and you feel like God has forgotten about you, if you just smile you can forget about everything going wrong. Especially if you think about God and how richly he blesses us everyday, and you keep going for him, this will for sure bring a smile to your face!! We should praise God everyday for what he does for us!!

Psalms 117 and 118:1 a
"O PRAISE the Lord, all ye nations: praise him, all ye people. For his merciful kindness is great toward us: and the truth of the Lord endureth forever. Praise ye the Lord."
"O give thanks to the Lord; for he is good."

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Beautiful Day!!

"The heavens declare the glory of God"!!!
Well, my mom is off...And, I kinda miss her already...=(
lol, well It started out to be a beautiful day!!!!
But um, yeah besides the rain it was a beautiful day all day!! Especially around 6'o clock =) *sigh*
It is so wonderful to be of one mind with some one, especially some one that you really like!! All I can do is marvel at how amazing God is!

Monday, February 25, 2008

A blessing? C= was a stressful day well part of it was....trying to get things done in the time they needed to be done etc...But, happy to announce my Aunt had a safe, but tiring trip down...Mom, Grama and Aunt are leaving tomorrow. round 7 is their flight...please be in prayer for their safety...=) They will be gone for 3 weeks!! =/ I'm sure me and my father will survive...=)...

My evening was great! =) Spent it with my friend...And, I cannot at all wait until tomorrow night and Wed. night as well!! =) They will be great...

"God never moves without purpose or plan when trying his servant and molding a man, give thanks to Lord though your trials seem great in darkness he giveth a song. Oh rejoice in the Lord he makes no mistakes he knoweth the end of each path that I take, for when I am tried and purified, I shall come forth as gold"

Sunday, February 24, 2008


Why is it that some people just have it hard?
Why is it that some people just can't be happy?
Why is it that some people can't appreciate the little things?

Well I used to be one of those people, I thought I had it hard, I thought I couldn't be happy, I never appreciated the little things.....I am so glad though that all that is different now!! Praise God!! But now I have a friend who is in the same rut I was and it's making me really sad....=/ I guess the only thing to do is to pray for them! God can bring healing and happiness and satisfaction!!! Praise His name!!

My day: was great except for the afternoon when I had to study and study and I didn't get to see Dan...=/
Tonight was great though! =) And I don't really want to go into detail...
But, tonight we had a great time of fellowship at the church house, Brother James is turning
50 the big five oh [LOL] on Tuesday so of course every one had to throw a big party! No moes though =( which leaves me a little hungry! =/ Anyway, I really don't feel like rambling on anymore so I will end this now....Goodnight to all!!

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Tonight Tonight.....

TODAY IS FINALLY HERE!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow, what a crazy one who was there might know what I Today was a crazy day too...had to work to earn money for HONDOROUS!!! Spent 4 hours working, cleaning windows, doing yard work, cleaning inside and out of a van and running to the store....Then had to go to the church and clean for 3 hours....kind of legs are hurting...not sure why, guess I am out of shape!! I'll have to go walking with Lauren so I can get back IN shape! ahhhh....hehe. Anyway, then I came home took a nap and got ready, ate dinner and left for church....and on to churchstreet....theres where crazy came in.....and I shant go into detail for sake of my with that I bid thee GOODNIGHT!

Praise God, tomorrow is Sunday!!! =) =) =)

Friday, February 22, 2008

The play...and life keeps going great!

Where to begin??
Today was a great day! Lately though, every day has been. It started off with a message that made me smile...not enough sleep, and a cute hair cut. No it's not short...=) Ate pizza for lunch, had a good day with my mom....[she is leaving soon, on Tuesday, to go on her cruise for 3 weeks...] Yes, I will miss her! There you have it on record. Not getting to go to the ministries and see my favorite old lady, Mrs. Finch was saddening...but Kristin's play was very good and enjoyable...=) It was about the life of Joseph entitled "God meant it for good". Did you know Joseph is one of the best examples of Jesus Christ there is? Sure thing, He was betrayed by those he loved/ Jesus likewise - he saved the peoples lives/ Jesus died on the cross was buried and rose again so that we could be saved from our sins - he forgave like nothing had happend/Jesus forgives our us of our sins. And, in so many other ways.

Tonight, was wonderful, and tomorrow is going to be even better! This concludes day two of =)

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Found Blessed

I'm copying Lauren...all well!!
Today was a wonderful day...I say, as the sprinkler is hitting water droplets against my window annoying me...This is a minor thing.
Went to the church to clean, Valerie gave me her hours since she is getting a job...This is a blessing though...I need them. Went home, got ready for church....went to the house of the Lord to learn the bible and listen to our great preacher...fellowshipped with brethren [friends] and had a great time...with the exception of the test I had to take...I was prepared though, on all except one question....the last one...over all I know I did well though.

~Blessed above what I deserve~