Monday, March 17, 2008


My life is getting busier as the days go by...

I don't want just a mediocre life!!!!!!! I want to make a difference, I want to serve the Lord with all I have, I want to be a better Christian!

Today was a difficult day...I won't focus on that though...

On a different more happier note...something blessed my heart today, I went on break and someone that I work with was on break already so I said, "Can I sit with you?" He said, "Sure" So down I sat... We started talking, he asked me what I wanted to do with my life, I said, "Well I don't really know yet". "I am not really sure what the Lord wants for my life right now...all I know for sure is that in the bible it says that God wants me to be a witness for Him and that is what I want to do, and to the best of my ability". So I then proceeded to tell him that I was attending bible school at my church. He was so excited. He asked me what I was going for I said to learn the bible. Then he asked what denomination I was, I then said "I am baptist, but really I am a born again Christian, that is what is more important". I asked him what he was, he said, "I am thinking that Christian is the best" (I was a little surprised, he is from Japan and it seems like when people come from other countries they are confused because of the religion they were raised to believe in). So I said, "I don't mean to be overly straight forward but, what do you believe about life after death? And, where do you believe you are going?" He said, "I believe I am going to heaven. And, it's not about what you do that gets you there it's about trusting and accepting Christ" Praise the Lord!! This was sweet music to my ears! I said, "Great!!! This is so exciting!!" I said, "It is absolutely not about the good that we do it is about accepting Christ as our Saviour!" He went on to tell me about how his parents are now missionaries to Japan. How cool is that!?! Well, I got to invite him to church also, and he said that he has had many offers from people to visit churches...but, he said he might come sometime...and he was excited about our talk. Praise God, we were both encouraged.